In Round 2, the All Children Reading Partners seek strategies that employ technology in three focus areas: mother tongue instruction and reading materials, family and community engagement, and children with disabilities. Approximately three awards per focus area will be made, with a total of $900,000 available under each focus area, and with the flexibility to make more or less awards.
Along with the grant competition, ACR GCD is hosting Enabling Writers, a $100,000 prize competition aimed at finding technological solutions to improve reading skills for children in developing countries. Enabling Writers seeks to spur the development of software that easily allows authors to write and publish materials to help primary school children in developing countries learn to read in mother tongue languages. In the first round of the prize, three finalists will be awarded $12,000 each and offered feedback to improve their submissions for field testing. The technological solution that best enables local writers to quickly and easily create appropriate and interesting texts that follow tested reading instruction methodologies, and provide the optimum reading and learning experience for early primary school children, will win the $100,000 grand prize.
To learn more about the Challenge and to apply, go to AllChildrenReading.org or follow them at @ReadingGCD on Twitter.
Deadline: May 2, 2014

During their experience, students will be required to accomplish the following:
- Show three-month engagement (minimum) with international development issues through Extension activities, internships, student research, etc.
- Write a series of blog postings for the ConDev Blog during their experience, and document their chosen subjects through photo and/or video journalism that draws attention to conflict and development issues.
- Publish or exhibit the results of their work in a form of refereed media with the possibility of publishing with Texas A&M University Press.
To learn more and apply, visit: http://condevcenter.org/smgp-2014-open-for-proposals/
Deadline: May 14, 2014

To learn more, visit: http://www.crdfglobal.org/grants-and-grantees/current-funding-opportunities/2014/03/06/advance-notice-for-rfa--msu-gcfsi-food-systems-innovation-grants-2014
Deadline: June 25, 2014

The Desal Prize, the second "call" under the Securing Water for Food, aims to develop cost-effective, energy efficient, and environmentally sustainable small-scale desalination technology that provides potable water for humans, as well as water appropriate for livestock and crops in developing countries. Up to $500,000 in prize money and $75,000 in seed money will be awarded to individuals or organizations through the Desal Prize.
Currently, exciting discussions about the prize criteria regarding the size of the prize purse, the competition design, the technology performance and specifications, and what to do with brine waste discharge are taking place on our website. Join us and your feedback will help us create a prize seeking innovative, accessible desalination technologies in developing and emerging countries.
Application opens later this year. Learn more at www.thedesalprize.org and by following @securingwater on Twitter.